I have a broad interest in investigating various aspects of human decision-making, integrating computational modeling, machine learning, and empirical testing with behavioral and psychophysiological experiments. My current research focuses on two main areas:

Decision-making under uncertainty
  • *Why do most people avoid taking responsibility for others? We show that decisions impacting others lead to reduced decision confidence, resulting in aversion to responsibility. Preprint
  • *In planning, how do people undo their decisions? (with Wei Ji Ma Lab)
Representation and valuation
  • *How do people evaluate multi-attribute options, and how is this process influenced by perception?
  • Do our senses provide us with the most accurate representation of the world? Our model and empirical tests show that early stages of sensory processing encode stimuli to maximize reward and not necessarily to maximize perceptual accuracy. Paper|Data & Code|Press

*first author

2014 - 2017

I was mainly interested in building “genetically engineered machines”. I took part in iGEM competition several times with different roles.